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Deploying content to your Screens requires your images, videos, and Designs to be within a Playlist. The Playlist tells the screen the order, duration, and timing to play your content.

A Playlist can be assigned to multiple screens, or can be added to a Schedule to automate the changing between multiple Playlists based on time of day, or day of the week.

Creating a Playlist:

To create a Playlist you can do this from the Dashboard (click on the Add Playlist button), or the Manage section (click on Add → Playlist) and give it a name.

Add some content in, then hit Save & Publish. This will Save the Playlist to the Manage section. You can also select your Screen from the dropdown if you would like to send it immediately.

Deploying your Playlist:

You can choose a Playlist on a specific screen (or screen group) under the Deploy section. Search for or locate the Screen you need, then click the teal box under the Content column, and select Replace. Choose your Playlist there (or select a Schedule from the tab at the top).

Alternatively, while editing your Playlist, you can use the Save & Publish to immediately deploy to your screens without needing to go to the Deploy section. Just choose your screens from the dropdown, or confirm the screens that have already been assigned that Playlist are correct.

Screen Offline:

If your screen is showing as Offline or your receive a warning about your Screen being offline, you’ll need to check these steps here to get it back online before you content will update.